I'm just one tiny speck of dust in the Universe.
I'm trying to realize that every speck of dust deserves good things.
I don't like that some specks of dust think that it's okay to treat other specks of dust badly based on their physical appearance or mental problems.
I am mentally ill. I have bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. My OCD partially manifests as hoarding. I don't hoard animals, I hoard items. I have a private blog about my struggles with hoarding. I do not give the URL to just anybody. If I am ever able to get my place into passable shape, as I am struggling to do, I will publish the results as a book. My little camera takes great pictures but it's a battery hog. I need a backup battery and to see if there's some kind of charger for those little flat batteries.
I am fiftyish years old and most of my life has been a lot of pain and struggle. It shouldn't have to be this way. So if you are the kind of person who comes along and starts making it that way for me, fuck you, you are out. I don't have to put up with your shit. I've put up with way too much shit from way too many psychic vampires already.
I write stuff, both mental health and size acceptance related blog posts, and also fiction. I am a political and religious liberal. I don't like zealots of any kind, and that includes the type of atheist zealot who thinks it's okay to belittle others for having spiritual beliefs. I can accept where atheists are coming from, I just don't like the type who think they're superior for having no spiritual beliefs. Since none of us know for sure, then fuck you if you don't think I have the right to speculate. I don't go around forcing my esoteric agnosticism down your throat. Don't shove your fundamentalist Christianity, extremist Islam, or acerbic Atheism down mine. Or if you're one of those Satanists who is like "fuck you, I'm so cool because I'm a Satanist and you are so inferior," you can fuck off as well. You're nothing but a prat and I don't have the time to waste on you.
I'm also a KHEL 666 DJ. The pay is terrible but everything else about it is really cool.
Hope to have a few saying hello, but even if you don't, I'll keep doing this anyway.
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